

Life is short. Talk fast.




  • 5月31日㈮ Simple English News Daily

    ① 南アフリカ。総選挙。41%開票。与党は43%の得票で、野党は24%の得票。1994年、アパルトヘイト終了以降、与党は初めて過半数を失う見込み。初の連立内閣組閣となるだろう。② エベレストでケニア人男性が死亡。山頂近くで亡くなり、家族は彼の遺体を回収するのは危険すぎると言っている。シェルパは行方不明。数日前、インド人が今シーズンの登山中に死亡した5人目だった。③ イスラエル。エジプトとガザ地区の国境付近をイスラエ...

  • 5月30日㈭ Simple English News Daily

    ① コンゴ民主共和国。チセケディ大統領は appointed the new governement. 大統領は去年12月に2nd term を決め、4月1日にコンゴ初の女性首相を任命した。54名の大臣も任命された② ナイジェリア。国歌を変更する法案に大統領が署名。ナイジェリアが独立した時の国歌に戻すのだ。ナイジェリアの economic crisis から目をそらすためとの批判もある③ ボツワナ。合成宝石がボツワナ経済の脅威となる可能性。天然ダイヤモンドの市場は消...

  • 5月29日㈬ Simple English News Daily

    ① スペイン、ノルウェー、アイルランドがパレスチナを国家として正式に承認をすると発表。国連加盟国193ヵ国のうち145ヵ国がパレスチナを国家と認識している。アイルランド首相。You cannot have a 2-state solution without 2 states. スペインのサンチェス首相。The state of Palestine must be unified under the legitimate government of the Palestine national authority.② ウクライナ。ゼレンスキー大統領がベルギー訪問。...

  • 5月28日㈫ Simple English News Daily

    ① パプアニューギニア。a number of people who are dead or missing after a landslide is believed to be over 2,000. 政府のこ予測は山崩れで飲み込まれた家の数が元になっている。被害を受けた地域は、very isolated rural tribal area. The landslides blocked access roads. パプアニューギア政府は救助活動と避難民への食事支援のための国際支援を求めている。パプアニューギニアへの最大の支援国の1つであるオーストラリア...

  • 5月27日(月) Simple English News Daily

    ① パプアニューギニア。大規模な山崩れで670人死亡。1000戸以上が土砂に飲み込まれた。現在は部族間の紛争が起きている② インド。熱波で51℃を記録。デリーは総選挙の投票中だが、暑くて外に出かけたくないため投票に行かない人々がリポートされている。今週、デリーは45℃の気温が続く予想。インドは、the 5th week out of 6th weeks。the biggest election in the history in the world.③ パレスチナ。医療従事者 (medics) による...

  • 5月24日(金) Simple English News Daily

    ① 中国。台湾周辺で大規模軍事演習。台湾の分離独立派に対する言動への報復。台湾は自国の主権を守るために陸海空軍を派遣した。中国は台湾を国家の一部としているが、台湾は1949年以降、中国とは分離している立場。Taiwan has never been controled by the Chinese Communist Party. 頼総統の就任式に合わせて中国は軍事演習を行った② イスラエル。ラファ、ガザ南部、ジャバリア北部へ侵攻を続けている。ウェストバンクでは、2-da...

  • 5月23日㈭ Simple English News Daily

    ① スペイン、アイルランド、ノルウェーはパレスチナを国家承認することにした。イスラエルはその決断は許しがたいものであり、テロを賞賛するものだとしている。 イスラエルは、上記3国の大使をリコールした。スペインのサンチェス大統領は、「我々の決断が他の西側諸国に広がることを期待する」と述べた。「力を結集すれば、ハマスによる人質解放と平和へのプロセスが始まるだろう」  - be obscene② イギリス。7月4日の総選...

  • 5月22日㈬ Simple English News Daily

    ① ハイチ。ケニアの special forces が今週到着予定。ギャングと闘うハイチ警察を支援するためだ。ギャングは国の大半を支配し、首都においては80%を支配している。ケニアの special forces はハイチへの国際的な介入をリードする。Kenian specila forces には、チリ、グラナダ、パラグアイ、ブルンジ、チャド、ナイジェリア、モーリシャスが参加。ハイチへの前回の介入は2017年、ブラジル主導で行われた② アメリカ。イスラエルの...

  • 5月21日㈫ Simple English News Daily

    ① イラン、ライシ大統領(63歳)、外相、その他3名の搭乗者と3名のクルーがヘリコプターの事故で死亡。 Supreme leader のハメイニが副大統領を acting president of Iran に任命した。ライシ氏は supreme leader の successor とみられていた - acting president② インドネシア。インドネシア大統領とイーロンマスクがバリ島での a water conference で会合。インドネシア大統領はマスク氏にインドネシアへの投資を呼びかけ...

  • 5月20日(月) Simple English News Daily

    ① イラン。ライシ大統領とイランの外相を乗せたヘリコプターがアゼルバイジャンからの帰途にイラク領内で墜落。深い霧の中、山間を飛行中で、これが捜索活動を難航させている。② パレスチナ。ガザ地区に米国が建設した浮桟橋 (a floating pier) から、1回目の食料や医薬品の搬入が行われた。米国は、陸路でガザに搬入する支援物資と同等にはならない。少量から始めて増やしていく予定。③ アフガニスタン。3人のスペイン人旅行者...

  • 5月15日 Simple English News Daily

    1) ジョージア(グルジア)。数週間にわたる大規模デモ活動が行われるなか、外国エージェント法が5月14日に可決。デモ参加者は首都トビリシ近辺の主要道路を閉鎖するなどし、警官隊との衝突も多数みられた。アメリカは、この法案を批判。ロシアからインスパイアされたと述べた。Former President の Giorgi Margvelashvili氏は、「この法案は外国の影響を排除するものではなく、プーチンのように人々を抑圧するものだ」と発言。EU...

  • 5月14日 Simple English News Daily

    1)ウクライナ。ここ数日、ロシア軍が国境を越えてハリコフ州に進軍。9つの村を支配下に置いたと主張。ウクライナによると、Russia has had tactical success around the town of ボウチャンスク. プーチン大統領はショイグ国防相を解任してベロウソフ第1副首相を任命。2)スペイン。カタルーニャ地方。Socialist Party が勝利。独立派は敗北。 コロンビアの歌手シャキーラ has been cleared of tax fraud charges. Last year,...

  • 5月13日 Simple English News Daily

    1)オーストラリア。中国軍のパイロットを養成したとして訴えられている元米海軍のダニエル・ダガンは、これまでに中国人ハッカーと仕事をしたことを認めている。逮捕は2022年。6年間働いた中国から戻って以来、彼は high-security のオーストラリアの刑務所にいて、米国への強制送還に関する訴訟で闘っている。中国では6年間働いた。2)韓国。政府はマイクロチップに7.3億ドル投資の準備中。世界中でマイクロチップの開発競争が...

  • 5月7日 Simple English News Daily

    1)パナマ。大統領選でマルティン元大統領が率いる右翼政党に所属するムリノ氏が勝利。マルティン氏は去年、大統領選に再出馬したものの、マネーロンダリングで10年の実刑となり、2月にニカラグア大使館で political procecution (政治的迫害)を理由に亡命者として保護された。マルティン氏はニカラグア大使館からムリノ氏を支援した。ムリノ政権は7月1日に発足予定 - political procecution = 政治的迫害 - to gra...

  • 5月6日 Simple English News Daily

    1, イスラエル警察が、アル・ジャジーラがオフィスとして使用しているホテルの1室に押し入り、アル・ジャジーラはイスラエル政府によって業務停止させられた。イスラエルは、アル・ジャジーラが national security の脅威だと言っている。アル・ジャジーラはガザ紛争中、イスラエルに最も批判的であり、イスラエル政府の行為を criminal action (犯罪的行為)と発言。to confiscate2,  オーストラリア。警察が16歳の少年を射...

  • I’m wondering if you could possibly make it sooner rather than later.「早めに進めてもらいたいのですが」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりGood. I was just wondering, what’s the time frame for this big move? We’re waiting for this perfect location to free up, but I promise that you’ll have plenty of notice, and I’ll be there to find replacements and train them. That’s very sweet of you, but I’m wondering if you could possibly make it sooner rather than later. What? Your leaving gives me the perfect excuse t...

  • ブルンジ共和国、どこにあるの? SEND7 こと、Simple English News Daily Podcast で知ったブルンジと言う国。コンゴの武装勢力が、コンゴにおけるツチ族だったかフツ族だったか、どちらかの人権が抑圧されているという理由からブルンジの村で無差別殺戮。裏で糸をひいているのはルワンダだとブルンジ政府が発言し、ルワンダがそれを否定したというニュースでした。 ルワンダでのツチ族とフツ族の激しい争い、...

  • I'm being ungrateful.「私、今とっても恩知らずなことしてるよね」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’m letting you down. I'm walking out. I'm being ungrateful. Lorelai, stop! Do you think I was naïve enough to think that you’d work for me forever? You and Sookie have more talent for this business than I do, and I’m very good. You’re going to open an incredible place. And if you don’t let me help you in any way I can, then I’ll be very mad. Of course we need your help. W...

  • You both have just come so far.「あなたたち二人とも、今までよく頑張ったわね」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりOh, I am just having the most wonderful time. And I am so proud of you and Rory. You both have just come so far. Year, we have. Uh, Mia… I need to talk to you about something. Of course. What is it, honey? Well, um… it’s really hard, and uh, I should have brought it up ages ago, but Sookie and I are thinking of making a change. A change? We’re going to open our own inn...

  • "to get in" vs "to get on"

    小学生用の英語教科書に間違いを発見したというツイートが流れてきた。 So glad we are teaching kids the wrong prepositions…— ♪ Raraらららら ♪ (老人バンギャ🙃) NEXT: SGG @ 渋谷REX 4/29 (@RaraSensei) April 8, 2024✖ Pat got on a taxi. 〇 Pat got in a taxi. タクシーなどの乗用車には to get in a car のように前置詞は

  • I’m gonna go check on Dean「Deanの様子を見に行ってくる」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’m gonna go check on Dean. He’s been scraping the outline off the cement for two days. Good idea. There is nothing like your face on his to make the cleaning process go faster. She’s all yours, Mia. I’ll take her. Bye, hon. 🔰to check on something/someone = to look at or examine (someone or something) to see if there are any problems 🔰nothing like = used to say that som...

  • Lay off him.「彼の事は放っておけ」「彼に構うな」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりLay off him because what you’re all doing stinks. I’m done here. I’m done with all of you. And I was gonna stay open later in case anyone wanted to eat after the meeting. Forget that. His turkey burgers are very dry. Well, I must say, that was quite exciting. A little disturbing. The whole town needs a field trip. You think Luke is okay? I think he will be. He needs to ...

  • ピルエット成功のカギは肩甲骨


  • 目黒川の桜に諸行無常の世界を見る


  • "Do you mind?" "Be my guest"「ちょっといいかな?」「どうぞ」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI’ve never bothered anyone, I’ve kept to myself, and I’ve done the best I could. I pay my taxes, and I help people when I can. I haven’t pitched in on the decorative, pageantry town stuff because all it seems insane to me, but I don’t get in the way of that either. What’s your point, Luke? His point is… do you mind? Be my guest. His point is if there’s a problem… And I’...

  • I beg to differ.「同意しかねます」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりBoys, please! The bottom line here is, there is a consensus among townspeople who are in agreement that Stars Hollow was a better place before Jess got here. So this half gets the tar, and the other gets the feathers? There hasn’t been any talk of tar and feathers, although… Look, I’ve lived in this town my entire life, longer than most everybody here. I beg to differ… I...

  • 読書記録 2024-2:「アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない日本の見かた」扶桑社BOOKS

    「アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない日本の見かた」扶桑社BOOKS著者:ジェイソン・モーガン、星野ルネ米国ルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズ出身のジェイソン・モーガンさんとカメルーン出身の星野ルネさん、編集者さんとの鼎談形式。アメリカ、アフリカ、日本。三者三様の意見が散りばめられています。また、口語形式で書かれているのでイデオロギー的な発言も身構えずに読めました(笑)モーガン先生とルネさんの発言か...

  • I have the floor「発言権は私にありますよ」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりExcuse me, but I’ve got the floor. You don’t have the floor. I’m standing, aren’t I? I was standing first, which means I have the floor, I’m not giving it to you! What is with you two? This goes way beyond the Jess matter, Taylor. Luke’s been on my case since the first grade when he wrongfully accused me of sabotaging a clay imprint that he made of his hand. Think hard…...

  • 恩人に劣等感を感じて、不幸にしてやりたくなるクズ心理


  • Big Whoop!「それがどうした!」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI think it’s time for me to pipe in here. Oh, year, that’ll be good. I have every right to pipe in here, Luke. I’m a local entrepreneur. You took over your father’s newsstand, Bootsy! That doesn’t make you an entrepreneur. And you took over your old man’s hardware store. And I turned it into a diner! Big whoop! Who can’t fry an egg?! Let’s keep things moving, boys. ...

  • The charges against your nephew are numerous.「君の甥っ子に対しては非難ごうごうなんだ」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりWord has it that she was telling other Doose market shoppers that Woodbury lettuce is crisper. That’s business flying out the door. Fine, how much is a head of lettuce… a buck? Let’s go crazy. Give me five heads. This goes well beyond a head of lettuce, young man. The charges against your nephew are numerous. He stole the “save the bridge” money. He gave that back. He st...

  • 読書記録 2024-1:「ブラックアウト」方丈社

    「ブラックアウト」方丈社 著者:キャンディス・オーウェンズ 翻訳者:我那覇真子 監訳:ジェイソン・モーガン 1年以上ぶりの再読。チャンネル桜でのジェイソン・モーガン氏の考えに共鳴し、その昔に読んだ本を取り出してみました。BLM運動などを生み出した現代アメリカの黒人政策を、奴隷制施行時~奴隷解放期~ジム・クロウ法~世界大恐慌における黒人政策とリンクして記述されているのでわかりやすい。もともと共和党を支持し...

  • 「聞く耳を持たない」「一笑に付す」の英訳を考えた日

    「聞く耳をもたない」「一笑に付す」 これら日本語でもよく使う言葉を英訳しようとすると手こずります。 ドラマを見ていて to dismiss ~ が使えるのでは?と思いついたので備忘録。 🔰to dismiss something = to refuse to consider someone’s idea, opinion etc, because you think it is not serious, true, or important 「(アイデア・問題・要求など)を退ける、却下する、取り合わない」という意味です。 - They dismiss...

  • If you hadn’t so cavalierly dismissed the issue「あんたがちゃんとこの問題に取り組んでいたならば」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりLuke, honey, calm down. After all, this is all you're doing. If you hadn’t so cavalierly dismissed the issue, we wouldn’t have had to do this. I lost business because of what your hooligan nephew did. How was business lost, Taylor? If you had open late that day, your customers just came back later. Not so… when Mrs. Lanihan couldn’t buy her head of lettuce that morning fo...

  • Damn it! = 怒ったりイラついたりしたときのフレーズ

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりAlright, fine! You weren’t invited, Luke! And why is that? Controversy! You weren’t invited because we are dealing with the Jess situation. The Jess situation? If this was the wild west, we’d be diving into the water through about now. Damn it Taylor! 🔰the wild west = 開拓時代の米国西部地方🔰Damn it! = 怒ったりイラついたりしたときのフレーズ...

  • You might as well be honest with him.「正直に言ったらどうかしら?」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりI think we’re late. What’s going on? Uh, nothing. The meeting was supposed to start at 8:00. Well… You might as well be honest with him, Taylor. About what? If you must know, there was a special issue that the business community had to deal with first, so we decided to start early tonight. I’m in the business community, and I wasn’t told about. 🔰might as well 動詞の...

  • 「人を育てる」以外の to bring up の使い方

    to bring up という句動詞を見聞きすると、someone を目的語にして「~を育てる」という例文を作るのが定番。to bring up は something を目的語に取ることもできて「話題などを持ち出す、提示する」を表します。 🔰 to bring someone up「~を育てる」 - I was brought up in Tokyo. 「私は東京で育った」 🔰 to bring something up「話題などを持ち出す、提示する」 - He was waiting for the right moment to bring up the s...

  • You’re harassing me now.「しつこいぞ、いい加減にしろ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりAHA! Jees! Don’t sneak up on me like that. Yeah, boy, I was lucky you had your phasers on “stun.” At least we’re not late. Luke’s never late. Actually, we’re two minutes early. We should get a prize for being on time. Hey, Luke, let’s go back to the diner and get some pie as our reward for being on time. Then you’d be late. A funny conundrum, but I want pie. You’re ...

  • grounds、複数形で使うと土地以外の意味が。。。

    🔰 grounds = a reason for doing or thinking something - Why am I being fired? On what grounds? 「なぜ私が解雇されるんですか?根拠は何ですか?」 - You have no grounds to complain about how I spend my own money. 「私のお金の使い方について、あなたが文句を言う筋合いはないですよね」

  • 締切を表す no/not later than

    🔰 no/not later than ~ = ~より遅くならずに、~以内に - Please let me know no later than next Monday if you have any changes. 「変更がある場合、遅くとも来週の月曜日までにお知らせください」

  • There will be consequences.「あとでどうなっても知らないぞ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWe’re late. Not late. The last time we were late Taylor said there would be consequences. He did not. He said there would be severe consequences. Mia, what time is it? Are we late? I hope so… Mia! I’m sorry, but it’s been two years since I’ve gotten to go to a town meeting, and I want some controversy. 🔰consequence = 〔行動や状況から必然的に導かれる〕結果、結論、帰結🔰...

  • 「正気を取り戻す」「目を覚ます」の英訳を考える

    「目を覚ます」「足を洗う」「正気に戻る」など、「荒れた生活を悔い改めて再スタートする」という状況を表すのに適当な英訳を考える日でした。こういうフワッとした日本語をこなれた英文にするのは本当に骨の折れる作業です。 ******************** 「我に返る 英語」でググるとヒットする下記の表現を使ってみるのが良さそうに思いました。いかがでしょうか?🔰 to come to your senses = to begin to thi...

  • 図々しい、厚かましいの英訳を考える日

    「図々しい」または「厚かましい」は、「遠慮がない」「言動に慎みがない」の意。和英辞典をひくと、be impudent, be shameless などがヒットするけど、もっと簡単に言えないかなぁ?と考えてみました。こんな言い方はどうでしょう? 🔰 nerve = 他人を怒らせたりイラつかせたりする事を言ったりやったりする人の失礼な態度のこと. 🔰 to have a lot of nerve =図々しい、いい度胸をしている、神経が図太い - You have a lot of n...

  • うちの積読を紹介する読みたい本がたくさんあって困る!まずは 佳境に入ってきた Lessons in Chemistry を読み終えないと!1,アメリカと共に沈む日本 山中泉 2024年2月1日発売予定 2,日本人が知らない! 世界史の原理 茂木誠&宇山卓栄 2024年3月1日発売予定 3,アフリカとアメリカ、ふたつの視点 思いもよらない 日本の見かた ジェイソン・モーガン&星野ルネ 2024年2月24日発...

  • こなれ英語で「妊娠する」と言うには

    🔰to knock someone up = to make someone pregnant🔰to get knocked up = to get pregnant   (AmE) (informal) - Her boyfriend knocked her up when she was 16. 「彼女のボーイフレンドが彼女を妊娠させた時、彼女は16歳だった」 - She got knocked up when she was 16. 「彼女は16歳で妊娠した」※ shotgun wedding についての記事はコチラ⤵

  • 自業自得の英訳4選

    自業自得とは、「自分のした悪行の報いは自分で受ける」の意で日常生活でも頻繁に出てきます。英語にも同様の考え方があって ① You reap what you sow. 「直訳:自分の蒔いた種は自分で刈り取る」 ② What goes around comes around. 「直訳:回って行ったものは回って戻ってくる」 ①&②は、諺のような表現で、「因果応報(善行悪行ともに自分に返ってくる」にも適用可能。以下の2つは会話的です。 ③ You asked for it. 「直...

  • I think it might be a tad short.「それはやや短めですね」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりHow do I do this? How do I tell Mia that I’m leaving? Get her drunk first? Oh, I can’t believe it. I’m gonna let down the one person in my life who was there for me when I needed it the most. I wanted to put it on the front desk, but I think it might be a tad short. Could I get a carpenter to build up a base, and raise it up 2 inches, then it would be perfect. Great idea....

  • In all the excitement, I hadn’t thought about telling Mia.「興奮しちゃって、ミアに話す余裕なんてなかった」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりIn all the excitement, I hadn’t thought about telling Mia. What is wrong with me? Nothing is wrong with you. I feel terrible. I should have told her before. I should have told her the day the idea occurred to us. She deserved that. After all she’s done for me. Hello. Lorelai, your daughter is being impossible. She won’t pose in an appropriate manner. I’m trying to, gran...

  • I'd be lost without you.「あなたがいないと困ります(私ひとりじゃ何もできません)」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりNot one thing to recommend hiring her… just that how do I put it and remain a lady that “who cares” look in her eye. So I gave her any job. The other maids hated you. Well, they were so slow. You were special. Mia, why don’t you move back here? We miss you. Or at least visit more. You never come at all. I don’t have to. You’ve made me redundant. I have not. Don’t be hu...

  • applying mascara in a moving car「走行中の車の中でマスカラを塗る」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりOh, hi, Mia. Nice to see you, Taylor. Oh, I’ve got to get out of Santa Barbara! I miss the small-town theater. And I miss you. Hey, do you realize it was 15 years ago, almost to the day? Yes, it was. What was? To the day when this skinny, little teenage girl showed up at the inn. She had this tiny, little thing in her arms. A little thing named Rory. Okay, enough phys...

  • Have it your own way!「好きにしろ!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりSo are you going to act? Yes, I’m gonna act like you never came in here. Fine. Have it your own way, but I warn you, there will be a lot of unhappy people at the S.H.B.A., the S.H.T.B, the S.H.M.W.O., and the S.H.C.C.S.H.C. F-I-N-E! Oh! You are impossible! You are impossible!🔰Have it your (own) way. = 好きにしろ!勝手にしやがれ!🔰You're impossible.「あなたって、どうしょう...

  • He witnessed Jess with what appeared to be chalk.「チョークのようなものを持ったJessを彼は目撃した」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりLuke, are you gonna listen? What’s this gotta do with me? Three people have reported seeing Jess in that area late last night… skulking, lurking. There were a lot of people eating here late last night. You can add them to your suspect list. Another person witnessed Jess walking out of an arts-and-crafts store two days ago with what appeared to be chalk. You appear to be...

  • be witness to ~ 「~の目撃者である」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりLuke, I need to talk to you right now! What is it, Taylor? I have conducted a thorough investigation of all the people who may have inadvertently been witness to the phony murder at my store last night. There was a phony murder? The town’s too dull to work up a real murder. You’re one “Beam me up, Scotty” reference away from being the victim of one. 🔰inadvertently = acc...

  • Are you any good at golf?「ゴルフ、そこそこ上手いの?」I can hold my own.「ゲームでは負けなしだよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWere you any good? I could hold my own. And there was that year you wore the same shirt everywhere you went. I don’t remember that. Must have been something flannel. No, it was from that TV show. The famous one. It’s not important. “Star Trek”… that’s it. Oh my god, oh my god! Stop it. You were a Trekkie? I was not a Trekkie. I believe denying you were a Trekkie i...

  • He was never without his skateboard「彼はスケートボードを肌身離さなかった」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりYou’re making that worse. Big help. Thanks. Luke’s nephew. Luke, that’s your nephew? It’s Liz’s kid. Jess, this is Mia. She owns the Independence Inn. Huh. That’s “Hello, nice to meet you” in slacker. You don’t need me down here, do you? I’m sorry, Mia. He’s just… Oh, please… forget it. You weren’t exactly talking yourself when you were his age. That’s right. You k...

  • Half my wardrobe is obsolete.「私の持っている服の半分が箪笥の肥やしになってる」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりMia, how’s living in Santa Barbara? Did you know the damn sun shines all the time out there? They’ve written songs about that. No one told me that. Half my wardrobe is obsolete. Drag. Hey, you know that blue coat… You’re not getting it. Right. 🔰a wordrobe = the clothes that someone has - a summer/winter wardrobe🔰be obsolete = no longer used because something newe...

  • You know anything about toasters? Not a damn thing.「トースターに詳しい?」「全然」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりLook at this place… exactly the same. I made him paint it a few months ago. Good for you. Mia, hey! Nice to see you, Lucas. You’re the only person in the world that can call me that. I know this. I’m saying it for others who plan to try it later. Whatever, Lucas. Mia, you know anything about toasters? Not a damn thing. Well, then, sit down and let me get you some c...

  • Hold down the fort! 「留守をお願いね」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりAre you too busy to sneak out with me for a walk? Not if it’s okay with the boss. It’s a demand at this point. Let’s go. Michel, hold down the fort. Oh, it’s a little slow now, so it’s no problem. He says he’s never liked you and that you’re a problem. I said no such thing. I don’t know where this hostility comes from. Can we work this out? There is nothing to work ou...

  • I had a feeling that a lovely woman was going to be visiting today.「素敵な女性がやってくる気がしてたんです」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりOh, Michel. Oh, how nice to see you. Oh, and look at that suit. You are quite the dandy, aren’t you? Well, I had a feeling that a lovely woman was going to be visiting today, so I decided I must look my best for her. I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t catch a word of that. He said he missed you. You’ve been in the U.S. quite some time, Michel. Your enunciation really should be...

  • I would advise at least pretending to look busy.「忙しいふりをしてたほうがいいですよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりI would advise at least pretending to look busy. The boss is here. Mia! You’re kidding! When? I just spotted her walking in. Let’s go. Mia! Oh! Oh, my babies! Ooh! Did anyone know you were coming? I didn’t know I was coming. This isn’t a surprise inspection, is it? That’s exactly what this is. Ready? You’re too thin, as always. And you’re both too beautiful. Yes,...

  • You were hard of hearing.「あなた、(夢の中で)耳が遠くなってたわよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりI had a dream last night about us and Fran. What was that? Was in the future, we were all old. You, me, Rory, Jackson, Michel… everyone … gray hair, walking around with canes, and we’re all kind of ailing, you know? I had those big cataract glasses on. You were hard of hearing, you kept going “huh? Huh?” It’s your kids with your rock’n’roll. But what, ho! Here walks up F...

  • At least you’ve got a solid plan.「趣味レーションはできてるわけね」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりYou’re not writing what you purchase on the back of these credit-card receipts. Just put “cooking spray and sponges.” And when an auditor wants to know why you need such large amounts of cooking spray and sponges? Then, I drop my pencil, I put the scoop-neck sweater that I’m making a mental note to wear to good use. At least you’ve got a solid plan. 🔰to put something =...

  • Everyone’s accounted for.「全員の所在がわかりました」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりEveryone’s accounted for, Taylor. Looks like this is a prank. But it looks so real. Where’d they get the police tape? Who’d be depraved enough to pull a stupid prank like this?! Hard to say. 🔰to account for someone = to know the location of someone  - Is everyone accounted for? = Do we know where everyone is? - Dozens of people have still to be accounted ...

  • He must not love me as much as you do.「彼は君ほど僕を愛していないからね💛」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-8 よりHey, what’s going on? I don’t know. I got here, this is what I found. I told him it looked fake. He didn’t believe me. And you have such an honest face. He must not love me as much as you do. Okay, you two are officially sickening. 🔰such = used to emphasize your description of something or someone - She's such a nice lady. - They said there had never been su...

  • It’s open and shut.「たいして手間のかからない事でしょ!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりTaylor, we’ve contacted everyone in the precinct. No one knows anything about this. I’ve got a dead body right in front of my store! No, you have a chalk outline of a dead body in front of your store. Meaning that there were two crimes. What? What do you mean what? Somebody got murdered, then somebody stole the body. It’s open and shut… bing, bang, boom! Is this your s...

  • I’m all yours.「助太刀するよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWhat’s happening up there? Just try to calm down, Taylor. Calm down! Why should I calm down?! Yeah, why should he? I want action, not words! Action, not words. Don’t you need to get back to your newsstand? No, buddy, I’m all yours. We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise you. A crime was committed right in front of my store! We can’t say that for sure yet. How c...

  • That should do (it). = That will do (it).「それで十分」「それ以上は必要ない」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりSo, Jenie Fertman is trying to be my friend again. Yikes. What kind of vibe were you giving her? My patented Keith Richards circa 1969 “Don’t mess with me” vibe with a 1000-yard Asian stare. That should do it. 🔰vibe = 雰囲気、オーラ、エネルギー🔰Keith Richards = ローリングストーンズのメンバー🔰circa /ˈsɚkə/ = (formal) about or around🔰to mess with someone = ~に干渉する...

  • Ruth’s Chris steakhouse... 行ってみたい

    Gimore Girls 2-8 より“Fran’s old place.” It’ll be like Ruth’s Chris steakhouse. People will be trying to figure out who Fran is. Or “The in Inn” … It’s an inn that’s in with the in crowd. I’m gonna go sit down. Do that, sweetie. 🔰Ruth’s Chris steakhouse → Ruth's Chris Steak House specializes in serving USDA Prime steaks, each seared to perfection, finished with butter and freshly chopped parsl...

  • be genuine = 自分を偽らず、本音を言う

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりHe’s so genuine. Oh my god! It’s the title search for the Rachel property. And guess who owns it? Tell me it’s not that bastard Donald Trump. Fran! Fran from Westin Bakery? Sweet little Fran, the cupcake lady, not some cigar-chomping, dirty-dealing city slicker. That’s good… “The country slicker.” Funny name. It’s a little much. It’s way too much. I’ll call Fran. ...

  • given that = 〔that以下〕だと仮定すると

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりI say this because I care about you. It’s risky, what you are doing. Most new businesses go down within two years. I think if we go down after two years, it’ll be the most exciting two years of our lives! Same here. Boredom stinks. Fine. It came in 10 minutes ago. It does not involve the Independence Inn. Therefore, given that it was beyond my official obligations, I a...

  • money pit = 〈米俗〉金食い虫

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりHow about “The money pit”? “Outhouse,” go international. Go back in your home. Or “The Inn heading for bankruptcy.” Kind of long, but nice. You who have no dreams rain on those who do. 🔰money pit = 〈米俗〉金食い虫🔰outhouse = 離れ、屋外トイレ🔰to rain on ~ = 〈米話〉~を台無しにする、~にけちをつける🔰to rain on someone's parade = AmE (informal)  to spoil someone's ple...

  • That could work.「まぁ、いいんじゃね?」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりIt shouldn’t be too flashy. How about something historical, “The Paul Revere”? Oh, that could work. What could work? We’re thinking up names for the inn we’re gonna open. I mean, if you want simple, “The country rose.” That’s pretty good. We could line the front path with multicolored roses. Or “The inn by the Hollow.” Kind of long. But nice. 🔰be flashy = 派手な、け...

  • You’re gonna write your meal off?「領収書はいる?」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWell, I should get going. You’re gonna write your meal off? Why? We talked business. You gotta be thinking about these things. No, I mean, “Why? I’m not paying for it.” You’re gonna do fine. 🔰to write somethign off = ~を経費で処理する...

  • you had no one showing you the ropes.「あなたに手ほどきしてくれた人はいなかったのね」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWho taught you about all this business stuff? Your dad? Please… my dad didn’t have a checking account till I got taller than him. He bought this land with cash. He didn’t have a bookkeeper, accountant, or anything. So you had no one showing you the ropes. No, I figured I had to dive in on my own, fail if that’s my destiny, and forget what the experts say. That is exactl...

  • Do you guys have a site in mind?「めぼしい物件はあるのかい?」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりDo you guys have a site in mind? Yes. Great. Where? You’ve seen pictures of it. The Rachel property. Right. Sorry. That’s okay. I just meant. Rachel took the pictures. The pictures got us into the place, so we started calling it “the Rachel property,” ‘cause it made sense at the time and it became a habit, but now out of respect for you, I’m gonna stop repeatedly using...

  • Stay out of trouble.「面倒をおこすなよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりCoffee? Oh, yeah, thanks. How are you, Jess? I’m not bleeding or anything. Then it’s gonna be a good day, huh? 7:45… do you want me to go to school, or do you want me to openly defy child-labor laws? Go. Stay out of trouble. Guess that means calling off the chickie run down at the salt flats.Out! Wow. So much … love. 🔰to defy ~ = 〔権力・法令・規則などに〕逆らう、従わ...

  • I’m terrible at coming up with names.「名前を考えるのが苦手です」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりI’m terrible at coming up with names. When we first bought our house, Rory and I wanted to name it, you know, like Jefferson named his place Monticello, but all we could come up with was “The crap shack.” Nice. 🔰to come up with ~ = to think of an idea, answer etc🔰Monticello = 米国バージニア州シャーロッツビルにある、トーマス・ジェファーソンの邸宅と歴史的なプランテーションが...

  • You’ll get to make up a name for your company「社名を決めることから始めるんだ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりFirst thing you and Sookie would do is incorporate. Wow. Sounds so big-time. Not really. It just means you’re a single business entity. You’ll both be officers and shareholders, and you’ll get to make up a name for your company and everything. 🔰to incorporate = ~を法人化する🔰to get to = ~を始める、~に取りかかる、~に着手する🔰 to make up ~ = to create ~...

  • Why not?「(提案などに対して)ぜひ!もちろん!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりThe one from Italy had some sort of breakdown. Oh my god. It didn’t hurt Van Gogh. The guy should thank me. A year later I swear I saw him rummaging through our recyclables. I’m happy to sit. If it’s for grandpa, why not? Wonderful. I’ll set it up first thing in the morning. Psst. If you want, I can teach you the Billy Idol. Most people focus on the lip thing, but the...

  • Billy Idol と Billy Irish を混同してしまったオバチャンです

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWhat portrait? I haven’t seen this. They never finished. Three painters started, and they all three quit. Why did they quit? She wouldn’t stop scowling. I was going for a Billy Idol thing. 🔰to scowl /skaʊl/ = to look at someone in an angry way🔰Billy Idol  以下ウィキペディアより引用。ビリー・アイドルは、イングランド出身のロックミュージシャン、シンガーソングライタ...

  • Just because A doesn't mean B「Aだからと言ってBとはかぎらない」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりIt could hang right over his mantel. He’ll just love it. I guess that would be okay. Oh, mom, please, don’t make her do this. She just said she would. Fine, paint a picture, but don’t make her sit and pose for it. Paint it from a photo. A photo? That’s what they do at malls. I’ll sit. It’s fine. Just because your own experience sitting for a portrait was bad doesn’t me...

  • I thought of a wonderful way to cheer him up.「彼を元気づける素晴らしい方法を思いついたよ」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりWarning, warning! I’m glad to hear you say that, Rory, because I thought of a wonderful way to cheer him up. Cool. What? Danger, Will Robinson, Danger! An oil portrait of you for his study. An oil portrait? I tried. Have fun. 🔰to cheer someone up = to make someone happier  - to cheer someone on = スポーツレースや競技会などでプレーしている人に声援を送る🔰an oil por...

  • The amenities are atrociously lacking.「(商業)施設等が何にもないの」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりYes, the amenities are atrociously lacking. He had to eat at a coffee shop last night. The whole thing is terribly insulting. He’s miserable. I hate that he’s miserable. So do I. We really ought to do something. Yes, I agree. 🔰amenities (usually plural) = 設備、施設など生活を便利にするもの🔰be insulting = showing a lack of respect🔰be miserable = extremely unhappy...

  • Get outta here!「冗談でしょ!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりToo bad grandpa’s not here. He likes weird food. Where is he eating his weird food tonight, Argentina, Morocco? Akron. Ohio? Yes. Get outta here! I will not get out of here! No, mom, I didn’t mean really “get out of here”. I mean… Why is grandpa in Akron? I don’t know. It was just a saying. They sent him to deal with some problem with their local office down there....

  • a simple but tasty meal「シンプルだけど美味しい食事」

    Gilmore Girls 2-8 よりHow’s the meal? Tasty. Very tasty. New cook? Yes, Maricella. She’s introduced some wonderful dishes, so charmingly specific to her native country. Which country she’s from? One of those little ones next to Mexico. How charmingly specific. 🔰be tasty = be delicious - I would say... grilled salmon with salt is a simple but tasty meal.🔰be charming = very attractive&n...

  • See if I care. = 私の知ったこっちゃない。勝手にしろ

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりYou don’t see any validity to my side at all? I am a grown man. You cannot tell me who to date. I’m not telling you who not to date. You can’t tell me that either. I will date who I like, and that screws with your plans, then sorry. If you don’t wanna hear things, don’t listen. If you don’t like it, you can just deal with it. Okay, I’ll just deal with it. Good. I jus...

  • private business = 私的なこと、個人的なこと

    Gilmore Girls 2-7よりHey, Luke, uh, I feel a little weird even mentioning this to you. What? Yesterday, I saw you talking to Eva. She’s in my booster club. Yeah, I know who she is. Well, good. I saw you guys talking alone, and it seemed kind of private, and she mentioned earlier that you didn’t make her, you know, gag, so I just figured you guys were making plans to hang out, and the thing ...

  • Oh, to go.「持ち帰りでお願い」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりHey, good party yesterday. Yeah, not bad. I liked the new look. It was very high-class substitute teacher. Exactly what I was going for. Coffee? Oh, to go. 🔰to go for ~ = to try to get (something)🔰to go = 飲食物を持ち帰りする...

  • The reception on the phone sucked.「電話口の人、超感じ悪かった」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりWhat happened? The reception on the phone sucked, and all I heard was “Rory” and “Chilton” and “Get down here.” We didn’t go to breakfast. What are you talking about? We came here. They broke into the headmaster’s office as the big initiation. Oh, those stupid girls. Mm-hmm. Part of the initiation was ringing a bell, so that’s what I was doing when security showed up a...

  • be frowned upon「ひんしゅくを買う」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりI have friends. I have a steady boyfriend, and my mother and I are freakishly linked, and Lane and I have been best friends since kindergarten, but you don’t see that because I don’t live in this town. And you call me in to lecture me because I’d rather read at lunch than endlessly discuss the euthanasia of homecoming. You told me and told my mother that I needed to socialize...

  • to stand in the way of ~ = ~の妨げになる

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 より The next thing I know, I’m being pulled out of my bed in the middle of the night and blindfolded, and then before I know it, I end up here with the ya-ya sisterhood, reciting poetry and lighting candles, and now I’m gonna be suspended because I was trying to do what you told me? What’s fair about that?Headmaster Charleston, the parents are starting to arrive. Thank you, M...

  • be disgruntled「不満げな」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりThis is unbelievable. What was that, Ms. Gilmore? Nothing. I heard you mumbling something in a disgruntled tone. I’d like to know what it was. I said, “This is unbelievable.” And why is this unbelievable, Ms. Gilmore? Because I didn’t even want to be here in the first place. Oh now, Ms. Gilmore. Things were going fine. My grades were good. I joined the paper. My rou...

  • suspension「停学」detention「居残り」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりDisappointment, disillusionment, frustration, astonishment… I suppose you could say I am experiencing all of these emotions. Finding some of Chilton’s best and brightest acting in such a destructive, immoral, and illegal manner will make all of us think long and hard about the manner in which we’re educating you girls. But that is all in the future. How do we handle this now?...

  • Sing out.「大きい声で!」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりUm, I pledge myself to the puffs. You have to hold the candle. I pledge myself to the puffs. Um, loyal I’ll always be. Sing out, Louise. A “P” to start, two “F”s at the end, and a “U” sitting in between. I wouldn’t do that again, Ms. Gilmore. 🔰to pledge = to promise something publicly or officially🔰to pledge oneself to something「~することを誓う」🔰to pledge oneself to...

  • lifelong devotion「生涯をかけて献身すること」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりThe historical bell of Chilton, 120 years old. Every member of the puffs has stood here under the cover of night to pledge her lifelong devotion to us. I pledge to the puffs. Loyal I will always be. A “P” to start, two “F”s at the end, and a “U” sitting in between. Anne sexton, right? Once you’ve finished your oath, you will ring the bell three times. Rory? Yeah? You fi...

  • Get out of my way!「邪魔しないで」「そこをどいて」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりOkay, a little further. Okay, that’s far enough. Ladies, here on this spot, tonight, in this place, where so many others have come before you, we invite you to join us. Ladies, remove your blindfolds. We’re at Chilton. Keys, please. What are we doing at Chilton? Please be quiet. We’re being puffed. What you’re about to do and what you’re about to say will remain foreve...

  • Rise and Shine!「起きなさい!」

    Gilmore Gilrs 2-7 よりMom, my kidnappers are here. Okay, have fun. Get the light. I can’t find it. Surprise! What’s going on? Rise and shine. You can grab shoes but no socks. Wow. This is totally unexpected. I’m completely surprised. You looked it. Okay, let’s move. We've still got a couple more girls to get. So, that’s how you look when you’ve just woken up? Um, yeah. Nothing in my ...

  • to traipse (自) /ˈtreɪps/ = (informal) to walk or go somewhere

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりI told you not to become a soc, but you didn’t listen. I can’t believe you’re going to let a group of strange girls come traipsing in here and take away your only child, your precious baby girl, off to god knows where in the middle of the night. If it’s someplace with doughnuts, bring me one, okay? Fine. Hey! Christmas cards. 🔰to traipse (自) /ˈtreɪps/ = (informal) to...

  • to put on の使い方いろいろ

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりOh, uh, by the way, I would put on your good pajamas, you know, the cute ones with the cakes on them and brush your hair and put on a little lip gloss. Why? You’re being kidnapped tonight. Excuse me? I got a call today from Francie. What? Yes, she said that she and her friends were gonna come in while you’re sleeping, wake you up, kidnap you, and take you out to break...

  • You look so completely different.「全然違う人みたい」

    Gilmore Girls 2-7 よりOh my god! Be nice. You look like Nancy Reagan. Now, how is that nice? I don’t believe this. You look so completely different… elegant, understated. Yes, I was wearing underwear with propellers on them, if that makes you feel any better. I’m going to bed. I’ll send the secret service up. 🔰be understated = 控えめな...



Life is short. Talk fast.
Life is short. Talk fast.

にほんブログ村 カテゴリー一覧
