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  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 28, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 28, 2014)

    ■ I am very impressed by your work.私は彼の仕事に非常に感心している。impress ・・・に感銘を受ける■ It is inevitable for the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations to drag on for a protracted period.環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 27, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 27, 2014)

    ■ He watches the receding rim of the horizon.彼は後退していく水平線の縁を眺めている。recede 後退する、手を引く■ The new head of the U.S. central bank has painted a picture of continuity at the Federal Reserve.Janet Yellen delivered her first…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 26, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 26, 2014)

    ■ Some officials may have been corrupted.役人たちの中には買収された人があるかもしれない。corrupt ・・・を買収する■ Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, described work to decommission Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant a…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 25, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 25, 2014)

    ■ I am confronted with a difficult problem.私は困難な問題に直面している。be confronted with ・・・に直面している■ The opposition in Ukraine has taken control of government buildings in the central part of the capital, Kiev .President Viktor…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 20, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 20, 2014)

    ■ We could not overtake him.私たちは彼に追いつけなかった。overtake ・・・を追い越す■ Some overseas Bitcoin exchanges were forced to suspend operations after their systems were hacked.Doubts are growing about the stability of the unregulated …

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 19, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 19, 2014)

    ■ It is difficult to execute the task.その仕事を実行するのは困難だ。execute ・・・を実行する■ Vandals have damaged copies of Anne Frank's famous wartime diary and related books at dozens of libraries in Tokyo .東京の数十にのぼる図書館で…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 18, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 18, 2014)

    ■ They try to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from collapsing.ピサの斜塔がくすれないように彼らは努めている。collapse 崩壊する■ Before the raise of the consumption tax rate done in April,Last‐minute demand for big‐ticket items such as automo…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 17, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 17, 2014)

    ■ I debated for hours with my friends on the subject.私は何時間も友人らとそのことについて討論した。debate ・・・を討論する■ Sales at department stores nationwide in January increased for the third consecutive month on a like-for-like basis from …

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 14, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 14, 2014)

    ■ She interpreted his remarks as a threat.彼女は彼の発言を脅威と解釈した。interpret ・・・を(〜)と解釈する■ China and Taiwan held their first ministerial-level meeting since their split in 1949.China's president has stressed his willingnes…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 13, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 13, 2014)

    ■ We negotiated with the president about our working hours.私たちは就労時間について社長と交渉した。negotiate 交渉する」■ The government will start reviewing the Cabinet Office's workload, as the administrative body has been swamped with ever-inc…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 12, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 12, 2014)

    ■ Do not conceal what you feel about it. それについて自分の感じることを隠してはいけない。conceal ・・・を隠す、秘密にする■ The Tsukiji Market in Tokyo is a major attraction for tourists and professional chefs.People come from all over t…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 11, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 11, 2014)

    ■ She exaggerated the blonde of her hair.彼女はブロンドの髪をいっそう目立つようにした。exaggerate ・・・を誇張する■ Haru Kuroki has been named best actress at the Berlin International Film Festival, one of the world's three major film events.

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 10, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 10, 2014)

    ■ His father overlooked his son's fault.父親は息子の過ちを大目にみてやった。overlook ・・・を見逃す■ Japan's population is shrinking at its fastest pace. It's been declining for seven consecutive years.Ministry officials say the population i…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 7, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 7, 2014)

    ■ She always yielded to his opinion.彼女はいつも彼の意見に屈してしまった。yield ・・・を産出する、降参する■ In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa suffered a crushing defeat.東京都知事選で、細川護熙…

  • 毎日1分!英語塾 (March 6, 2014)

    毎日1分!英語塾 (March 6, 2014)

    ■ The railroad provoked a kind of revolution.鉄道はある種の革命を引き起こした。provoke ・・・を呼び起こす、を怒らせる■ Yuzuru Hanyu stood out among powerful competitors, including Yevgeny Plushenko, who won a gold medal at the 2006 Turin Olympic…



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