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  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Je soupçonne qu’une partie du communisme vient de la haine de la famille. Il se peut donc que le communisme déteste toute institution existante apparemment inséparable de l’institution de la famille. Le communisme ne peut pas imaginer le bonheur en famille. Les images communistes de la famille ne po…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    En ce qui concerne les questions politiques, il semble généralement que les gens ont d’abord des réponses émotionnelles et ensuite seulement examinent la question. La réponse émotionnelle serait presque automatique ... Alors l’important serait de faire le deuxième pas. Et à cette étape, quelle émoti…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Dans ce blog, j’ai écrit sur des questions politiques. Comme on les voit assez souvent en ce qui concerne des blogs politiques, ce blog à tendance politique contient des remarques insultantes, des insultes évidentes ou implicites, des dénonciations faites de mauvaise volonté, etc. Je pense qu’il y a…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Certains disent que le communisme est trop idéal pour être pratiqué par les humains. Cette façon de dire serait une ruse. Derrière cette façon de dire, il y aurait l’intention de faire paraître le communisme quelque chose de bénin. Ou quelque chose de bon pour un cas ou un domaine particulier peut t…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    La politique est horrible et malheureuse. Les conservateurs auraient tendance à détester les gauchistes et à haïr les communistes. Les gauchistes et les communistes auraient tendance à détester ou à haïr les conservateurs. Ah, ce jeu de haine ! Ce jeu apprend aux gens à haïr les adversaires. Quelle …

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Si la cause profonde de la dissension politique est son goût et son aversion personnels, cela peut me faire comprendre que l’accord et la concordance politiques éternels seraient naturellement les moins imaginables. Il est très peu probable, par exemple, que tout le monde aime un même morceau de mus…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Je pense que la politique est mauvaise pour la santé mentale. Car la politique impliquerait inévitablement la haine et la frustration. S’il n’était pas nécessaire de vous impliquer dans la politique, vous seriez plus heureux. Fondamentalement, garder les préoccupations en politique est ce qui vous r…

  • un mémo

    un mémo

    Il me semble que la majeure partie du camp de gauche provient de ceux qui pensent avoir indûment souffert de la façon dont le monde existe. Par conséquent, ils détestent les institutions, les gouvernements, les traditions, etc. existants. Il semble que cela peut facilement se transformer en un besoi…

  • The Oddity of UBI

    The Oddity of UBI

    Universal basic income now seems to me quite a strange idea. Why distribute money indiscriminately, instead of directing the money to sectors or people that really need help and support?

  • My Current View on Basic Income

    My Current View on Basic Income

    In my present view, the idea of universal basic income might quite be a sinister trap invented by some strain of communism or Communism itself. Basic income makes people further atomized and, additionally, too badly dependent on government. Here you may see an intention of destruction of family, one…

  • What Do They Aim for Behind the Argument?

    What Do They Aim for Behind the Argument?

    Whether death penalty in the legal system should be abolished or not is a difficult issue. This issue involves many discussions such as on false charge, on justifiability of taking life, on danger of abuse, etc. But it seems to me that part of leftism calls strongly for abolishment of death penalty,…

  • Very Euphemistically Saying, It's Disagreeable

    Very Euphemistically Saying, It's Disagreeable

    No women should be in (potential) battlefronts. Does the tide which praises combatant women think the military is of the same nature as hospitals, universities, courts, etc? I don't agree. I cannot share the feeling of the kind of equality. It seems to show how modernism sees all people equally as p…

  • Politics can make you feel sick

    Politics can make you feel sick

    I don't say rightism is wholly and in itself right. Nor do I say leftism is wholly and in itself wrong. The line between the right and the left shifts from time to time... And, after all, it's not an inherent good-vs.-evil confrontation or anything. The right and the left is a term for descriptive c…

  • Promoter of chaos

    Promoter of chaos

    Mass immigration seems to be what promotes ethno-chaos and racial chaos. Citizens in such a chaotic society would be further atomized ones. And this is what leftism sees as good. Leftism may think less social bond, less norm, less national ethos and mores, are automatically good. Not a few of social…

  • A fault of liberalism

    A fault of liberalism

    At least to maintain the population of society or, in a broader view, of humanity and at least to maintain the level of cultural (or, you may say, spiritual) standards of civilization are not so easy an enterprise for humans. Those would be a very difficult and heavy, but great task. - Imagine what …

  • What Leftism does

    What Leftism does

    The tidal waves of leftism have corroded marital moral and now, seeing decline of population which is the result of the corrosion, says immigration is necessary to maintain the population size, the result of which would be even more ethno-demographic devastation. It seems to me that most branches of…

  • As I read more about the ideology

    As I read more about the ideology

    To my eyes, Hitler as a politician is fanatically militaristic, fanatically racially determinist, fanatically warrish, fanatically totalitarian, fanatically ethno-egocentric, fanatically cruel... But my gut feeling has been that, nevertheless, part of his view might perhaps be catching sight of how …

  • Is it an establishable pattern?

    Is it an establishable pattern?

    Historically, in many cases, it seems that fall of a nation at first came from moral fall, for it destroyed cultural band of society and suffocated positive will of generations for future. Maybe you can name what you think must be symptoms indicative of the degeneration. But the point is that seemin…

  • Warnings and behavioral discernment

    Warnings and behavioral discernment

    As to zoning and levels of regulation, people may argue an idea to the effect that nobody will confuse the reality with fantasy. I think this argument sometimes lacks in its picture another part of reality, which is sociological, that there is a distribution in mental abilities among the population.…

  • Change in perspective that occurred gradually through centuries

    Change in perspective that occurred gradually through centuries

    As they enter modernity, the perspective grew different from the previous. In the new perspective, the realm has a certain boundary and it seems the idea was that everything lies within the boundary. As a result, the answer could have only been economical or political, or both. The problem was all a…



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